Innovative Approaches to Research in the Pandemic

DURING THE COVID-19 pandemic, several forums for community discussions, particularly in rural and remote communities with strict COVID-19 protocols, were no longer available in person. As such, one such research project in 2020-2021 — a community-based round table discussion on anti-racism and belonging —held the event online over Zoom.

Although it was a success, led to productive discussions, and furthered research outcomes (Lam et al., 2021), the unexpected methodological considerations inspired curiosity about the impact and factors involved in shifting to an online research methodology. In addition, the event led to further reflections about how moving the methodology online resulted in barriers and benefits for some participants.

Due to the rapid shift to online methodologies within rural community-engaged research as a result of the pandemic, a study resulted that explored three major questions.

  1. What are the impacts of employing online platforms such as Zoom for community-engaged research?

  2. What challenges may be encountered by shifting to an online methodology?

  3. How might these challenges be creatively overcome?

Suggested Citation:

Moura, G., Lam, M., DiMuro, M., Berg, K., Kirk, J., Miranda, S., Osiname, A., & Watson, E. (2024, February). Innovative Approaches to Research in the Pandemic: Exploring the Potential of Large-Scale Online Community-Based Discussion Platforms. Brandon University Centre for Applied Research and Education in Indigenous, Rural, and Remote Settings (BU CARES).


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